プライス・ディストリビューション (Price Distribution) は、指定した時間帯の価格レンジに基づき、プライス・ディストリビューションの描画を行います。
{ Search Tag: WA-Price Distribution }
{ This study plots the basic ActivityBar, together with a value area zone based on
standard deviations around the ActivityBar's mode price. }
ApproxNumRows( 10 ) [DisplayName = "ApproxNumRows", ToolTip =
"Aprroximate Number of Rows. Enter the approximate number of rows to use in the study."],
CycleColors( true ) [DisplayName = "CycleColors", ToolTip =
"Enter true to cycle colors from one cell group to the next; enter false to use only a single color for all cells."],
DefaultColor( DarkGreen ) [DisplayName = "DefaultColor", ToolTip =
"Enter the default color used in the ActivityBar study."],
ModeType( -1 ) [DisplayName = "ModeType", ToolTip =
"Enter 1 for highest mode, enter -1 for lowest mode."],
ZoneNumDevs( 1 ) [DisplayName = "ZoneNumDevs", ToolTip =
"Zone Number of Deviations. Enter the number of standard deviations on each side of mode price to be included in the AB Zone."] ;
CellGroupColor( 0 ),
MinuteInterval( BarInterval of ActivityData ),
CellGroupLabel( "" ),
oModeCount( 0 ),
oModePrice( 0 ),
SDev( 0 ),
ZoneHi( 0 ),
ZoneLo( 0 ) ;
AB_SetRowHeight( AB_RowHeightCalc( ApproxNumRows, 3 ) ) ;
if CycleColors then
CellGroupColor = AB_NextColor( MinuteInterval ) of ActivityData
CellGroupColor = DefaultColor ;
if CellGroupColor = GetBackGroundColor then
CellGroupColor = DefaultColor ;
CellGroupLabel = AB_NextLabel( MinuteInterval ) of ActivityData ;
Value1 = AB_AddCellRange( High of ActivityData, Low of ActivityData, RightSide,
CellGroupLabel, CellGroupColor, 0 ) ;
Value2 = AB_Mode( RightSide, ModeType, oModeCount, oModePrice ) ;
SDev = AB_StdDev( ZoneNumDevs, RightSide ) ;
ZoneHi = MinList( AB_High, oModePrice + SDev ) ;
if ZoneHi = 0 then { ie, if oModePrice + SDev = 0 }
ZoneHi = AB_High ;
ZoneLo = MaxList( AB_Low, oModePrice - SDev ) ;
{ if oModePrice - SDev = 0 then ZoneLo = Low, so don't need a check here }
AB_SetZone( ZoneHi, ZoneLo, RightSide ) ;
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